Campus Parking Regulations

The ability to park and drive on campus is a privilege, extended by the University, to persons who demonstrate a valid need to park and drive on campus. This privilege can and will be revoked for abuse or repetitive violations. The campus roadways and parking system are used on a constant basis by the community and visitors. Pedestrian traffic and roadway safety are a primary concern of the University. The Office of Campus Safety enforces several traffic and parking regulations that all drivers are expected to follow.

Please contact or call (507) 457-1703 for any questions, comments or inquiries.

Parking Permits

Parking Permits

To regulate vehicle traffic, all motorized vehicles must display a current permit on the inside back windshield of the driver’s side. Unregistered vehicles will be ticketed and/or towed. Permits are based on status (student, staff, etc.) and housing location. Before the beginning of each academic year, student permits are issued online via the student portal. The online registration window closes approximately one week into the academic year. Please follow these steps to register your vehicle:
  • Go to
  • In the left column, click on “Student Affairs”
  • The parking permit registration forms can be found under “My Campus Safety”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions and enter your vehicle information
  • Check the information for accuracy before submitting
If the online portal has closed for the year and you need a parking permit you must go to the Office of Campus Safety to register during business hours (8 am to 4 pm M-F). If you have questions please stop by the Office of Campus Safety or call (507) 457-1703.

Parking permits for 2024-25

Parking permit registration for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year opens Sunday, Jul. 28. Parking permits can be purchased through the student portal.
When your window opens to register, it will remain open. Please be aware that off-campus students who drive to campus will need a permit to avoid being ticketed and towed. Your permit allows you to park only in your assigned color lot.
Priority registration begins for:
  • Graduate students and seniors: Sunday, Jul. 28
  • Juniors: Sunday, Aug. 4
  • Sophomores: Sunday, Aug. 11
  • First-Years: Sunday, Aug. 18
Parking permits are $60 for students who live on campus and $40 for students who live off campus and commute to class. The permit cost is added to your student account after the registration window for parking permits closes.
Parking Permits can be picked up from the Office of Campus Safety (Toner 115- Information Desk) starting Friday, August 23rd, or two business days after you have completed the registration if you register after August 23rd.
The parking permit registration portal will close on Friday, Sept. 6th. After Sept. 6th those needing a parking permit will have to come to the Office of Campus Safety in the Toner Student Center during business hours (M-F 8 am to 4 pm). Parking enforcement begins on the first day of class (September 3rd).
For further questions, thoroughly review the parking website, email, or call Campus Safety at 507-457-1703
Parking Permit Fee
  • Residential Student Annual – $60
  • Commuter Student Annual – $40
  • Faculty/Staff – No Charge
Parking Lots Map

Parking Lots Map

The lots are marked in this photo/map showing the color of the permit required to park in each area.

Purple Lots are for Faculty/Staff parking only 24/7 and never for student parking.

The lot marked in black in the photo is the Day/Overflow lot.

See full map PDF here. 

Residential Student Lots and Regulations
Residential Student Lots are permit enforced 24 hours/day, 7 days a week during the academic year.
The Residential Student Lots are:
  • BLUE — Saint Yon’s Hall
  • GREEN — Bishops Hall, Saint Joseph’s Hall, Brother William Hall
  • ORANGE — Brother Leopold Hall, Residencia Santiago Miller
  • RED — La Salle Hall
  • YELLOW — Lot behind Page Theatre & East of Ice Arena


Commuter Student Lot and Regulations

Commuter students are defined as students who do not live on campus, but commute to campus for class(es).  The commuter student lot is permit enforced Monday — Friday from 7 a.m. — 5 p.m.  There is no parking from 1 a.m. — 6 a.m. any day of the week.

The Commuter Lot is:

  • BROWN — Half of Lot Behind Page Theater

Purple (Faculty/Staff) Lots and Regulations

Students are never allowed to park in the Purple Faculty/Staff parking lots.

Faculty/Staff lots are permit enforced year round.  There is no parking from 1 a.m. — 6 a.m. everyday of the week.

Faculty/Staff permits are issued at the Office of Campus Safety. To register a vehicle, stop by the Office of Campus Safety between the hours of 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday — Friday. Bring the following vehicle information with you:  make, model, color, and license plate number.

The Faculty/Staff lots are:

  • PURPLE — Aquinas Hall, Skemp/Heffron Hall, La Salle Hall
Day/Overflow Lot Regulations

The Day Lot is intended for visitors and guests of the University and is open between the hours of 7 a.m. — 1 a.m., year-round.  No permit is needed during this time. The lot is closed from 1 a.m. until 6 a.m. daily and any vehicles in the lot during that time without a permit are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.

If overnight parking is necessary, a Temporary Parking Permit is needed and can be registered for through the Office of Campus Safety.

This parking lot also serves as an overflow for those who have a parking permit but found their assigned lot full. Those with parking permits for the current academic year are allowed to park in the day/overflow lot if needed.

Saint Mary's Press Lot Regulations

Saint Mary’s Press is not owned or operated by Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.  As a result, parking in the Saint Mary’s Press Lot is not authorized, at any time, for Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota students.

Fire Lanes

Fire lanes include any location that is located outside of a designated parking space.  Vehicles parked in fire lanes will be ticketed and/or towed.

Motorcycles driven and parked on campus are required to register with Campus Safety and park in the appropriate designated space.
Guest Parking
Guests of students in the residence halls must be registered with the Office of Residence Life.  All overnight guests are required to have a permit in their vehicle to avoid being towed.  To register for a Temporary Parking Permit, come to the Office of Campus Safety.  The Temporary Parking Permit will need to be returned to Campus Safety before leaving campus.

Guests of the University are allowed to park in the Day Lot, and are unauthorized to park elsewhere on campus.  Temporary Parking Permits are only valid for the dates specified with Campus Safety.  Display the Temporary Parking Permit on the driver’s side dashboard of the vehicle.  Violators will be towed, at the owner’s expense.

It is the responsibility of the person hosting the guest to be aware of the policies related to parking on campus.  Please contact Campus Safety with any questions.

Parking Citation Appeals
Saint Mary’s community members who wish to appeal a parking citation must do so within two business days of receiving the citation.  All appeals must be made to the Director of Campus Safety via the online Parking Citation Appeal form.  Appeals attempted after two business days from the issue date of the citation will not be considered.  The Director determines the outcome of the appeal.  If a student is dissatisfied with the Director’s decision, they may appeal to the Dean of Students.  The decision of the Dean is final.
Leaving Campus During Session

If you are leaving campus for more than 24 hours during a non-break period, you must register your vehicle with Campus Safety.  Students must park in the designated lot.  These vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety.

Snow Removal Policy

If you notice snow accumulating, please be cognizant that a snow emergency will likely follow. There are two ways to know if a snow emergency is in effect. First, a campus-wide email will be sent once a snow emergency has been declared. This notification is sent through our Emergency Notification System, and can include a text message in addition to the email.  Please make sure your cell phone information is updated via our Blackboard Connect system.  Second, there are signs posted in the plaza and at the entrance to the University.  Vehicles not moved will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Snow removal is done 7 days a week. 

All designated Faculty/Staff Lots (Purple Lots), the Residential Overflow Lot (EK Family Village/Watters), and the Day Lot will be plowed at 5 a.m.  Any vehicle remaining is subject to being towed, at the owner’s expense. As reminder, there is no parking in Faculty/Staff Lots (Purple Lots) or the Commuter Lot (Brown Lot) from 1 a.m. — 6 a.m. any day of the week. No notification is sent out before plowing Faculty/Staff Lots since overnight parking in these lots is never allowed.  

All Residential Student Lots will be plowed beginning at 5 p.m. All vehicles must be moved prior to this time to avoid being towed. Vehicles may be moved to the Residential Overflow Lot (EK Family Village/Watters), Lower Road Field Lot*, any Faculty/Staff Lot, or the Day Lot. Vehicles may not be moved to Faculty/Staff Lots earlier than 3 p.m. Once your designated lot has been plowed, you must move your vehicle back to your assigned lot by 11 p.m., or it is subject to being ticketed and/or towed.

*The Lower Road Field Lot is an additional parking lot that is plowed along the lower road to accommodate parking for snow removal.

When a vehicle cannot be moved due to mechanical problems, it is the owner’s responsibility to move the vehicle.  Vehicles not moved will be towed during a snow emergency and assessed a $50 Snow Removal Violation Ticket.


5 a.m. 

  • Faculty/Staff Lots (Purple Lots)
  • Residential Overflow Lot (EK Family Village/Watters)
  • Day Lot
  • Toner Student Center Front Row

5 p.m.

  • Residential Student Lots
  • Commuter Lot (Brown Lot)

All towing on campus is conducted by Borkowski Towing & Salvage.  Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.

If your vehicle is towed, please come to the Office of Campus Safety.  An officer will assist you with the location of your vehicle.  There are two possibilities for the location of your towed vehicle:

  1. Your vehicle may be towed to the lower Yon’s road (next to the Joe’s soccer fields), in which you will be assessed a non-refundable $75 ticket or $100 for any vehicle that will require the use a dolly to move it. .  It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to move their vehicle from the designated towing area back into their assigned lot within 24 hours.  Any vehicle left after 24 hours is subject to be towed off campus.
  2. Your vehicle may be towed to Borkowski Towing & Salvage, located at 5035 West 6th Street, Winona, MN.  Their phone number is: (507) 452-9073.  Borkowski Towing & Salvage accepts cash and credit cards, but does not accept personal checks without prior approval.


Parking Enforcement
Parking regulations are enforced through tickets and/or towing.  Tickets must be paid at Cardinal Central, located in the lower level of Saint Mary’s Hall, Monday — Friday, 8 a.m. — 4:30 p.m.  Payment not received within 10 days will increase $5.00.  Failure to pay will result in a hold on your account.

The individual on file as “operator” with the Office of Campus Safety is held responsible for all violations issued to a vehicle.  It is the operator’s responsibility to recover fines and/or other costs from individuals to whom they loan their vehicle.

Students who accumulate $500 in parking fines may lose their privileges to have a vehicle on campus.

Traffic Enforcement
All drivers are required to stop when indicated to do so by a Campus Safety Officer.  Drivers are required to drive in a safe and responsible manner, and obey all traffic control devices (signs, lights, etc.).  The speed limit on campus is 15 MPH.  No motor vehicles are to be driven anywhere on campus other than designated roads. Motor vehicles are not allowed on trails, exception being Maintenance and/or Campus Safety vehicles. Driving off road will result in a fine of $100 and loss of driving and parking privileges on campus.  Snowmobiles, ATVs, and other small vehicles are not permitted on campus, unless owned and operated by the University.

Drivers/operators who receive three or more traffic violations may have their driving privileges suspended or revoked.  Upon a fourth violation, vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Suspended drivers/operators will not be allowed to park or drive on Saint Mary’s property for the period of one month.  Violation of a suspension will result in a revocation of driving privileges.  Revocations last for the period of one year from the violation date.

Drunk driving is a serious concern.  The University does not tolerate nor condone driving while under the influence of any substance.  Campus Safety Officers work with the Winona Police to stop and arrest drivers they believe to be driving under the influence.  If arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) while on campus, on campus driving privileges will be suspended.

Visitor Parking
Visitors to the University are to park in the Day Lot between the hours of 7 a.m. — 1 a.m., year round.  No permit is needed during this time.  If overnight parking is necessary, a Temporary Parking Permit is needed, and should be registered through the Office of Campus Safety.

Visitors parked in a visitor space, reserved space, special permit space, or along Vlazny road throughout campus require a permit.  Vehicles without a proper permit are subject to fines and/or towing.

It is the responsibility of the visitor to be aware of the policies related to parking on campus.  Please contact Campus Safety with any questions.

University Breaks
All student vehicles left on campus over break periods must be registered with Campus Safety.  Vehicles are to be parked in the Day Lot, starting with the row closest to the main roadway, or an alternate spot given by Campus Safety.  All unregistered vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.

When necessary, students staying on campus during break periods are responsible for moving their vehicle in accordance with the snow removal policy.